Muslim Americans-To Vote or Not To Vote: My Experience

4 11 2008

I just got home from voting for the 2008 Presidential Election. Normally, I don’t get into politics especially not on my blog. Let me just say………I am so glad this election is finally over.  It has been two years of constant back and forth dominating all the news stations and even making it’s way to dinner table discussions. I will just be glad to get back to normal once this thing is wrapped up.

There is a debate among some Muslims as to whether we should even be involved in politics and I respect the opinions of those who vote and get involved and those who don’t. I think it’s a very personal decison and one that should be weighed rather than handled with haste. Personally, I made my decison to get involved after much contemplation.  I feel that as a community in the United States if we all voted one way we could definatley sway the outcome. I believe that when we look at two candidates and see one who will be better for Muslims that we should act and vote for him or her. And yes, I would vote for a woman if I thought she would benefit the Muslims in this country and abroad. I think as Americans we should exercise our right to vote and give ourselves and our community a voice in politics. Otherwise, I believe that the misconceptions of Muslims and the ignorance will persist.  Our situation will never change unless we get out and do our part to change it ourselves. Individually one vote may not be the difference in the outcome of an election but it is estimated that there are nearly two million registered Muslim voters in the USA.  Subhan’Allah what a difference all those votes could make, especially taking into consideration that large Muslim communites exist in “battleground states” such as Ohio, Florida, Michigan and Virginia. 

But again, It is a personal decision. That’s the beauty of a democracy and free country. You can get involved or not.

To be honest, I was NOT expecting what I saw when I went to the poll. I come from a very small town and am accustomed to standing in line on election day…..there is one polling place for the entire community where I grew up (an old fire department).

But since I moved to a slightly bigger town, I was honestly not prepared for the influx of people. It was back to back traffic this morning and people lined up all the way outside. There were parents with children, elderly in wheel chairs, and an assortment of various races and religions…. the excitement and anxiousness was palpable.  I felt like I was part of something huge. And indeed, no matter which candidate wins this election will be one for the history books.  Either the first African American will be elected president of the United States or we will have the first woman to serve as vice president of the United States.

By tomorrow we will have reached a milestone in our history as a relatively young nation.  Alhamdullilah, I can say that I made sure that at least one Muslim American voice was heard and one Muslim American vote will be counted, Insh’Allah.

May Allah give us an outcome that will be the most benefitial to us and make us content with His Qadr (decree). ameen.

My question for other American Muslims is did you vote? Why or why not? And for the Muslims around the world……who would you like to see elected and why?

An American Muslim speaks about 9/11 and Bin Laden’s latest video-Full Length Version

11 09 2007

Dr. Ali Shehata’s response to the endless stream of bin Laden threats that have yet to be answered by anyone else. This is the full length version.

What Do Britons Think Of Americans???

3 08 2007

Ok, I know Britian and the USA had a strained peace in the years following the Revolutionary War (America’s War of Independence). Though, to all outward appearances, it seems the US and Britain of today get along splendidly.  I know most of the world doesn’t agree with US foreign policy (as many/most Americans don’t agree with it either). However, I was a bit surprised when someone forwarded me this poll. I know we have several different countries represented here at this blog. So, I feel this is an excellent opportunity to get everyone’s thoughts. I want to hear from the British here…..Is this poll seriously conclusive to what the majority of Britians feel about Americans?   To the Americans how do you feel about this poll? To my other international readers…..What is the sentiment toward Americans in your respective countries? Stereotypes?

What Britons think of America

The YouGov polling highlighted below (carried out for The Daily Telegraph) is from last June but given that this site only started in November it’s probably useful to remind ourselves of UK attitudes to America and to American policy.

Key findings:

  • By 54% to 39% Britons felt more positive about America than negative.
  • 70% said that they liked Americans a little or a lot.  19% said they didn’t like Americans very much.  2% said not at all.
  • 40% thought America a reliable ally.  41% thought it unreliable as an ally.

But from then on it’s all pretty negative…

  • 22% thought current American policy was helping to make the world a better place to live in.  75% said a worse place.
  • By 52% to 36% the overall view of American culture was negative.
  • 20% of respondents were more positive about America over recent years.  69% were less positive.
  • By 74% to 9% Britons thought US actions were resulting in greater INSTABILITY in the Middle East rather than greater STABILITY.
  • 1% saw George W Bush as a “great leader” and 43% thought of him as a “terrible leader”.  15% deemed him “reasonably satisfactory”.  34% thought him “pretty poor”.
  • 58% agreed that America is essentially an “imperial power”.  28% thought it unfair to describe America in that way.
  • Only 11% thought America cares what the rest of the world thinks.  83% thought it didn’t care.
  • 90% thought it had a lot of violent crime and was dominated by big business, 60% thought it uncaring, 72% unequal, 65% vulgar, 75% badly led.

There was not much difference in the view of America and Americans from Conservative and Labour supporters.  There was decidely more negativity from supporters of the Liberal Democrats.

YouGov interviewed nearly 2,000 Britons on 26th to 28th June 2006.  Download PDF of full survey findings.

Religion & TV

28 06 2007

helpwantedsign3.jpgDear friends,

I am asking for your help as a part of a survey I am conducting regarding Religion and TV habits. The questions found on this survey describe what I am studying and why. Your response to this survey is totally voluntary and anonymous, but it would be so very helpful if you do respond.

You may respond to the survey by clicking the following link:

http://www.Advanced default.asp? SurveyID= 53307

(If you cannot click the link above, please copy and paste the URL in its entirety into your browser’s address bar.)

Also, if you could forward this to your friends or lists I would be so appreciative. I truly hope that this survey will point to a way where people can live in peace.

If you have any questions, please write to me and I will be happy to address any questions, concerns or comments. Thank you very much in advance. I look forward to hearing from you!


Dr. Ali Shehata

****Please forward this to all your contacts****

Celebrities and Charities

28 06 2007

moneybags.jpgIt seems that most celebrities could care less about anyone other than themselves. Many of them spend their time in and out of rehab or jail, partying, and going on lavish shopping sprees day after day while looking down on the rest of us “peasants.” However, there are those few who will actually give back to the world. Though, when I look at the list of charities that they donate to, I can’t help but wonder if the money is really reaching the people in need.  I wonder if it is being used to make a change.  So many of these so called aid organizations have been caught time and time again with their hands in the cookie jar (so to speak).

We all know of the many U.N. and Christian charity fund scandals. Some other Examples of charity organization scandals include (I’m sure there are many more):
Red Cross:

United Way:

You can also check to read more about charities and their validity.

Also, I question these celebrities. Are they doing this for publicity and/or tax benefits or are they honestly sincere?  Insh’Allah some of them are sincere. I have my own assumptions about which are sincere and which are not. Though, If nothing else, these celebrities seem to be able to raise awareness as all eyes appear to be on them. I have to give them that much.

Does Skin Color Still Matter Today???

26 06 2007

I came across this news story today. I saw it on CNN. However, the only article that I can find now is below:

It basically tells of an instance in a small white majority Louisiana town. In a nut shell, some white students hung three nooses on a tree(which is a felony that carries prision time) in which it was known that the African American students congregated around . They were sentenced by the principal to three days of in school suspension. Fast forward, a fight broke out in the school. It is alleged that six African American students attacked a white student while he was coming out of a locker room. He had allegedly been a friend of the boys who hung the nooses on the tree. The boy ended up in the hospital with non life threatening injuries. Now those five African American students are charged with attempted murder and could face up to 100 years in prision, one of the six got his charges reduced. This appears to come in a long line of similar incidences in this county and throughout the southern United States. Which you can read in the article.

As Muslims, we are taught that Islam abolished racism. People were no longer defined by what they had or where they came from but by the taqwa (fear of Allah, piety) in their hearts.

The Prophet(saw) said: “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white-except by piety and good action.(Saheeh Bukhari, Vol.7, Ch.3)

O mankind! We (God Almighty) created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). (English interpretaion of the Qur’an 49:13)

Hajj is an excellent example of this. People from every corner of the earth and every station in life travel to Mecca, wearing the same clothes, going through all the same actions. The prayer is another example. We all pray shoulder to shoulder no matter our wealth, color, or background.

So, anyway, this brings me to the Questions of the Day…….

Do you think this instance is race related?

Do you think that the color of a person’s skin still makes a difference in his or her treatment today?

Do you think racism is still prominent in the Muslim community even though Islam speaks against it so clearly?

Do you think it is possible to eliminate racism and if so, do you have any ideas on how it can be done?