If You Want To Know How Muslim Women Feel…Ask A Muslim Woman!

17 11 2007

The transcript of the video (for those who can’t view it)

I invite every person, I invite every woman here, every non-Muslim woman here, to stand to the side when we leave here and talk to a Muslim lady. I mean now, let’s not ask Barbara Walters about how Muslim women feel. You know, let’s not ask Tom Brokaw how Muslim women feel, let’s not ask CNN, ABC, FOX, let’s not ask the London Times or the Australian Times, let’s not ask Non-Muslims about how Muslim women feel how they live what are their principles what are their challenges. If you want to be fair ask a Muslim woman, ask my wife. Ask my mother, you see, ask a Muslim woman that knows her religion who has a relationship with her creator, who is stable in her society understanding her responsibilities her relationship, ask her, and after that I think you should be fair to don’t need to ask someone else, but the problem is no one really wants to ask Muslim women, we want to take pictures of women in Afghanistan, and pictures of women in Palestine, and pictures of women in Pakistan, and pictures of women over here, and we want to listen to what people say about female circumcision as if Muslims is got women thousands, 10, 20, 30 thousand, 40 thousand women all over the world is being circumcised, it’s crazy, Stephen Spielberg stuff. And let me give you a statistic that you should know about. If you take a, if you take a quota, in this room right here, I’ll tell you this, most every Muslim woman in this room, will be a college graduate or is a college graduate or is very intelligent and very much socially endowed and within her family the structure we find that women control the wealth more so than wealth, more so than wealth, now what’s that say to you. Now where you find, where you find women oppressed women exploited women mistreated, among Muslim that’s because those Muslims themselves are not representing the principles of the religion, and in every religion you got black sheep. But then again, you can’t tell me, that the 148,000 prostitutes that walk the street in the UK or the 76,000 prostitutes that walk the streets of Holland that have licences to do so, you can’t tell me that all these little young naked little girls walking around Australia with no clothes on, you cannot tell me that they represent liberation. You can’t tell me, that the 2,350 abortions, murders, that take place with these young women, you can’t tell me that it represents sophistication, you can’t tell me that represents liberation. You can’t tell me that a naked woman sitting on a chocolate bar, a naked woman selling everything, toothpaste, everything, you can’t tell me that doesn’t represents exploitation, so let’s put things in context, let’s talk about things correctly, and lets be fair, let’s be objective, we can talk about that a little bit more if you want, but let me give you one more statistic, one more, prostitution, venereal disease, abortion, and paedophilia, and this horrendous number of children being raped and kidnapped that exists in the western world, is almost unheard of, in the Muslim world. So I think the statistics kind of like speak for themselves.



9 responses

17 11 2007
UmAbdurrahman, "Blanca"

As Salaamu Alaikum Sis:

Mash’Allah, you went out of your way to type the speaker’s dialogue. Jazak Allahu Khair for taking time out to do this. I enjoyed listening and following along with the words.

Intersting lecture.

Thanks for posting


18 11 2007

As-salaamu’alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,

Excellent clip, like every other video/lecture that I’ve heard by Shaykh Khalid, masha’Allah.

Jazak’Allah for sharing this with us.

Wa’alaykum as-salaam
Love Farhana

18 11 2007

I’m an student of islamic philosophy and i started my english bloging about 3days ago.
so , if you want, visit my weblog and say your opinions about it, it’s name and what I will do in it.
tnx lot

19 11 2007

That last line is a load of bull%$#@. Rape and kidnapping of women and children is unheard of in the Muslim world because it is not reported, and when it is, the male dominated societies protect their “male honor” by blaming the women. The families don’t report it out of shame. It is a curse of a closed society, and he really needs to get his facts straight. It happens in every society, and the more it gets talked about and exposed, and the more the men who do it get long prison sentences instead of a slap on the wrist, the better off the society is.

Ya Haqq!

19 11 2007
Umm Yusuf

Assalaamu Alaikum Irving,

Yes, I took issue with that as well. I also took issue with the prostitution as I have heard that happens in the Middle East as well.

However, the overall message of letting Muslim women speak for themselves and not presuming to know what we all feel like is the message that I liked. Also, the instances he mentions of women being used to sell everything from chocolate bars to toothpaste being exploitation.

I thought the overall gist of the video was good.

20 11 2007

JAzakumallah qhaire habibtyyy
may allah bless ur soul…fantastic clip

23 11 2007

Dear sister

that was a nice clip, and i do agree with umm yusuf and irving. but,
if u take the hole world the lesser crime is made by muslims than the non muslims I can’t explain cause Im not fluent .u can go through
Islamic reaserch foundation.com and see womans rights in Islam or
Islam and media. its a uneek website to all, muslim as well as non muslims.
Brother Ifthikar

11 05 2008

ello i need to know a quetion about your your culture

13 05 2008
Umm Yusuf

what do you need to know?

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